Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Austin is go!

Plane tickets and hotel have been reserved! Now we all just gotta hope Ms. Bollocks makes the roster!

She already warned me that I will be referred to by everyone as "Mr. Bollocks" since no one knows me. I'm pretty fine with that. Since I play the rock and roll and always try to get involved in cool or offbeat things usually a girl is tagging along with me. I think it is pretty rad that the roles are being reversed and I'm the person supporting, not being supported. This time I'll be the person tagging along. I will make new friends among the "derby widows" as they are apparently called.

Not that it sounds like there will be any shortage of things to do. Aside from checking out the games and the official burlesque show after-party, I am grilling Graham for a list of awesome shit and BBQ. Apparently I need to see a movie at the Alamo Movie House. Any one got any other suggestions of fun things to do?

Unfortunately we are going to be there right after the Austin City Limits festival so rock shows are rather limited. The only thing that even hits the radar is Interpol/Liars at Stubb's. Shitty bands from Brooklyn that I do not want to see when I am here are going to be in Texas the same time as me! Woo?

A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.