Sunday, April 8, 2007

RIP Mark St. John

Really short term Kiss guitarist Mark St. John died on April 5th.

He was only on one album, Animalize, which was the first Kiss album I ever owned. Lauren Abrams bought it for me on vinyl as my 3rd grade birthday present. I loved the song Heaven's on Fire so much I just wanted to rip open the wrapping and put it on at the party but my parents told me that was bad form, and would make the other children feel jealous. I'm sure they were right but I was pissed! Animalize was in my home and I NEEDED to hear that song!

Anyways check out the video. It is so 80's hilarious I love it! Even Mark St. John gets laid!

UPDATE: I just realized 50% of the core band that made this record is dead. Or at least, the band that is on paper. In reality Gene didn't play on this album. Jean Bouvier did most of the bass while he was out pursuing a film career. He just sang harmonies and learned his vocal lines. The band is actually incredibly frank about all of this in the liner notes of the box set. There were tons of studio musicians all over those records. I think Paul is the one consistent guy through the whole Kiss catalog. One day I'll write about Paul and how much I admire that closeted fruitcake. (Yeah I don't care if my entire sexual history with females is like a good afternoon for him. I'll tell you my Psycho Circus stories at some point.) I think he is the greatest thing to happen to KISS and a boon for rock and roll in general. Gene may be more bad-ass, but the star child is where it is at!

Anyways, sleep well tonight in heaven Mark St. John AND Eric Carr. Know someone is spinning your records tonight.

UPDATE 2: Bruce Kulick, my favorite Kiss Guitarist's statement is so douchey and unnecessary I need to have it up for posterity.

"I wish to express my sympathy to Mark St. John's family and friends," Kulick said in a statement. "Though Mark was the guitarist I replaced, I respected his talent and contribution to Kiss. May he rest in peace."

A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.