Thursday, April 5, 2007

Firewire, she is a cruel mistress

Can anyone explain to me why my firewire connection keeps dropping?????

The new monitors are AWESOME! I am listening to Starless and Bible Black on them right now, and it feels like I have never heard this record before. Or at least, that I am listening to the master tape. I cant' wait to run some vinyl records through this.

But why when I try to watch my new Helloween DVD, or when I have a really good Guitar Rig sound going in Sonar, does the Saffire just lose the Firewire connection? This is a major fucking problem that needs to be investigated.

If iTunes wasn't sounding so good through these monitors I may actually be upset about this.

Oh, why is it that when life seems to be picking up again, there is this shite?

Look, it ain't cancer, but it is PISSING ME OFF! My shit just needs to work.

Oh, holy crap the opening of We'll Let you Know is like buttery goodness! Shit. Do I dare even put the new NIN through this yet? Or better yet, those 24 bit Talking Heads DVD Audio discs??? mmmmmmmm 96k.

OK drunken nerd out.......................................

UPDATE: The new NIN sounds sick, as does anything Albini has ever recorded. Maybe I will run the new Stooges through here just to see if the production can make it good. Or maybe I'll poor another glass of Whiskey.......

A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.