Thursday, July 12, 2007

New song up on the MySpace

It is called "Cast off your Virgin Thorns" and can be heard here.

Lyrically, and you can probably hear this in the performance, the song was very cathartic. It is about someone I know, but not someone confirmed to read this blog, whom I care for very much who can't seem to get their life together. In the never ending quest to find the easy path this person makes their life much more difficult than it needs to be, and often this affects my life adversely. At a certain point if you can't find the angle, you need to stop making excuses and just get out there and do what you need to do. No one likes to work. No one likes to feel like a sheep. But we do what we have to do in order to support ourselves and keep our lives moving forward. Life is all about trade offs. Do I love performing advertising operations all day? Hells no. But I found something I am good at that pays me enough to do all the things I love and doesn't erode away at my soul. What more can you ask for? Well, some people don't want to put in their time........

It is not reasonable for me to be this judgmental or to be confrontational about how someone lives their life. This is why despite the recommendations of people around us I do not. How can I say to someone "I have trouble looking you in the eye because the way you live infuriates me and causes me undue stress and frustration?" But as a song? Gold, Jerry! Gold! An open letter written in bile.......

A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.