Sunday, May 6, 2007

An open letter to internet music leakers

I applaud your efforts towards bringing me brand new records months before their release date.

Though I must say I am REALLY backed up right now. The new Symphony X? For reals? Right after you bless us with Bjork, Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, They Might Be Giants, Tomahawk, and Dungen?

Really, take a nap. I need to catch up. Seriously, I had to crash course the night of Dimmu as I hadn't even had a chance to absorb their record. I don't have as much time to listen to music as I did. The madness must end!

Leakers you need to take a leaking break. Let us enjoy some tunes before the new wave of bombardment. However if anyone out there is sitting on the new Bad Brains, King Diamond, Art Brut, Dream Theater, Shellac or Entombed, then please disregard this message.




A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.