Monday, May 21, 2007

New album micro-reviews!

The best, worst, and in-between of the recently leaked/released:

Chemical Brothers We are the Night: I don't know when they became a rock band, but they're damn good at it! The track with the Klaxons is so far my favorite

Art Brut It's a bit Complicated: "People in Love" is the best pop song I've heard this year. The rest of the record is very good too.

Bad Brains Build a Nation: Ugh.

Dream Theater Systematic Chaos: They got really heavy and more traditionally proggy. Love it! They should ease back on deliberately cribbing Muse, though. "The Dark Eternal Night" is the current stand-out track for me, but I imagine this will change with more listens.

Symphony X Paradise Lost: The first one that sounds like an album, and not a home recording project. The songs are great too. I think it is a concept album, but I can only tell because every song references Babylon. They are still not world class, but one day. Every album shows a big leap in songwriting and scope.

Marilyn Manson Eat me, Drink me: Unlistenable. Sounds like something a high school kid posted to MySpace.

Megadeth United Abominations: About half the record is as good as anything they've ever done. What more could you ask for?

Wilco Sky Blue Sky: See Megadeth

Ozzy Black Rain: I can't tell if the album is no good or if I just irreparably hate Ozzy. Either way, fuck this noise.

A blog about recording Metal in Brooklyn.